New puppies and kittens

New Puppies and Kittens

Getting a new puppy or kitten is an exciting time and we fully expect your life to be turned upside down in the first weeks!

Whether you are a first time puppy parent or have a lifetime of raising kittens, each young animal is completely unique with their own individual needs, whether that’s vaccinations, flea and worm treatment, neutering, nutrition or behaviour. Please get in touch if you have any further questions. We are here to help!


  • Dogs are vaccinated against the most serious diseases present in the UK (parvovirus, distemper, leptospirosis, and hepatitis).
  • They need a course of 2 or 3 vaccinations 2-4 weeks apart usually starting at 6-8 weeks of age.
  • Puppies are generally considered safely protected enough to socialise 1 week after the 2nd vaccination.


  • Kittens are vaccinated against cat flu, infectious enteritis (also known as panleukopenia), and the feline leukaemia virus.
  • Kittens need a course of two vaccinations, 3-4 weeks apart, usually starting at 9 weeks of age.
  • Kittens are generally fully protected 3-4 weeks after their second kitten vaccinations.
  • Your cat will require a booster vaccination once a year, every year, in order to keep them protected against disease.

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